

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Wheels on the Bike Go Round and Round

Have you ever done something new, and thought, Gee, this is fun, how did I not know about this fun thing?? Well, Spin class was that for me. Over a year and a half ago, I joined Xcellerate gym in Reedley and as a long-time runner, I had never heard of Spin class. I loved running outdoors--and competing in 5K's and 10K's. My friend Bethany pushed me to give Spin a try, and one day I reluctantly agreed to give it a whirl. I had no idea what to expect and I was quite intimidated by the machines and Bethany's seeming knowledge of it all. It didn't take long for me to realize that for the first time, exercise could be FUN! and not just hard work!

The instructor reminded me a little of Susan Powter--remember her? In the 1990's, with her buzz-cut hair and loud, "Stop the Insanity!" scare tactics to get you off your couch and into shape?  This Spin instructor mirrored Susan's enthusiasm without the scare tactics. She was singing along to the music, pedaling her heart out, and your basic fitness maniac but in a good way. She was having FUN!  I can't speak for the rest of the class, but I felt motivated by her because it was more fun to be with this sweaty group of smiling women, riding to fun and inspiring rock and pop music than it was to run alone on a treadmill. I couldn't walk for three days after, but I couldn't wait to go again. Soon I was attending every Monday-Wednesday-Friday and lost nearly 20 pounds. HAVING FUN MIND YOU!!!

That was almost 2 years ago, and tomorrow I'm taking the 9-hour course required to become a Spin instructor myself! I'm nervous and excited. I realized that I could get paid to do something I love. I also realized that I love teaching, and since I've decided not to pursue substitute teaching anymore, I did need something to give me that interaction with people that I love, in a motivating way. I guess you could say I've become a little Susan Powter myself, hopefully leaving out the annoying part of her personality! I hope I'll be as inspiring as Dawn and Nicole over at Xcellerate, and I'll be the kind of instructor that make people flock to my classes. I love picking out the music, you know me, it's got to be a mix of my favorite rock songs and a few pop ones as well.

I'm no spring chicken either, most of these instructors are half my age!  I want people to know exercise doesn't have to be something that you suffer through to get the benefits. My son loves grunting and groaning his way through weight-lifting and he looks amazing, but even he says if it wasn't fun to do, he probably wouldn't be as committed as he is. That's what I want to give to my future students--a fun thing to do three days a week that will help you not only get in shape, but make friends, have fun, get wild and sweaty and be something you look forward to, not dread. 

Thank you Bethany, for taking me to that first class. Little did you know how much it would change my life. And thank you to Dawn and Nicole, for being my inspiration as instructors, and thank you to Melissa and Mary, my steady Spin partners for over a year. I miss you guys more than you know, and thank you for giving me the confidence to consider and complete the instructor course.

I'm nervous and excited--we're going to do 2 Spin rides as well as lectures and demonstrations. I've never done two rides in one day! I hope I survive!

Wish me luck!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Too Much of a Good Thing

They say that in parenting, kids model their behavior by watching yours. In my case, I think it has been the reverse when it comes to my teenage son Ian. He is by far the healthiest person I know. He hasn't had a soda in about two years. He guzzles orange juice like a pirate drinks rum, and he has gained about 30 pounds of muscle by going to the gym nearly every single day for the last year and drinking protein shakes daily. I never have to tell him to bathe, shave, or put on deodorant or wear clean clothes. Now I don't need to be told to bathe or wear clean clothes, but thanks to Ian, I have kicked my daily diet Coke habit for over a year now and we both drink so much bottled water, we buy it in cases now. I have a diet Cranergy to get my vitamin C and he and I both take our supplements. I'm so proud of him.

Which is why I was so concerned when he started just becoming sooooo tired. Now, he's a teenager, and everyone know teens need lots of sleep, and they hate getting up early. But Ian has been so great about getting up at 6:45 every day for school, and he's only been late once. So this seemed to be like a daily thing, him coming home from school and being so tired he can barely function. I thought maybe he was staying up late texting or going on his Facebook, but he said he was actually going to bed early because he was just soooo tired. 

I decided to listen to my mommy's intuition that something just wasn't right  this Monday when he begged me to let him sleep and miss his first few classes. That is not my Ian. So, I made him a doctor's appointment straight away. I was shocked at what his doctor thought might be the culprit---arsenic poisoning from drinking powdered protein shakes! He told us that there was a huge study done recently that showed most protein powders and shakes contain 3 heavy metals: arsenic, lead, and cadmium. He ordered an array of blood tests and we are awaiting results. (he's also being tested for just about everything---anemia, thyroid, and drugs--which I'm not worried about honestly). Ian is just as curious as I am, and he is FURIOUS. Furious that he's been doing everything he can to be as healthy as possible and here something that's supposed to be helping him is doing damage. We are hoping the damage is minimal and hasn't affected his liver or kidneys!

At this point, he's looking for a safter substitute as he's trying to gain weight (yes, I hate him) LOL For now, he is so angry, WE are so angry. He is looking into a class action suit against the manufacturer of the very expensive powder he's been using. We buy it at GNC and it's like $40 a container, and of course, they always talk us into buying two at a time because we "save money". 

Here's the link if you're interested : 

'Toxic' Report Has Big Protein Supplement Brands Under Assault

I'll keep you updated as we get Ian's blood test results in. And if you know anyone who's drinking protein shakes, let them know how dangerous they are. And let's call a lawyer!! (Tim????)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Toto, We're Not in California Anymore

You know what I miss most about California? (No, it's not the weather). It's the people.  It's kind of like the Katy Perry song, "California Gurls", "there must be something in the water", or the air, the sand or the palm trees. California people are just, well, different.  I'm used to people being friendlier, more open, kinder and honestly, less judgmental.  That's harsh, I know. But you have to realize, I'm not your average middle-aged woman. I sing in a band--- I often have pink or purple hair. I have six tattoos, and I dress like a rockstar. I drive a cherry red Mini Cooper and with my California license plates, I stick out like a sore thumb. I'm used to being waved to wherever I go in my little car, as everyone knew me back home. I haven't made a single friend here yet, and although my neighbors have been really nice and my kids' friends moms have been cordial, it's still just, well, not the same. I miss my wonderful friends back home.

I do think I'm acclimating well though---we've been here about two months and I know my way around pretty well. I can get to the mall (oh yeah!), both kids's schools, several different grocery stores and the gym. I haven't gotten lost in a couple of weeks now so that's progress LOL Most of our stuff is out of the boxes, and the house looks lived in and happy. I am happy here now, getting settled and getting new routines. The kids have made friends, and with my husband we four have gotten closer than ever since the move. I know it was the right choice for us to come here for my husband's job.

Here's the thing--I don't mind being stared at. I'm used to it. I know I look different. I have always felt different. Call it the "middle-child syndrome", but whatever it is, the attention doesn't bother me. I welcome it. I'm a happy person who walks around finding the good in everybody and every situation if possible. I get stepped on a lot because of it but pop right back up smiling. What I don't get is why do people dislike me here just because I'm from California? I've nearly been dangerously tailgated several times, people laugh when I tell them I moved here from California, and they make fun of MY accent!
It makes me sad. I'm trying really hard to like it here and those kinds of things do NOT help. 

Anyways, the weather's been great, feels just like fall in good ol' Cali, and yes, I do know winter's coming and I have no idea what I'm in for. I am actually so excited for the first snowfall I'm willing it to happen! As our Halloween skeletons and orange lights hang in our yard, I'm inside, lighting candles and feeling like the squirrels I've been feeding peanuts to. I'm getting ready for the cold months ahead. We got our stack of wood, bought a few warmer clothes, and had one of our cars "winterized". We are going to be buying a new car in the next couple weeks, a big SUV so I can feel safer driving on black ice and snow. I'm thinking ahead to starting my Christmas shopping as I'll be mailing a lot of gifts this year. Thanksgiving's just around the corner, and although our downstairs heater is still broken (another story, another day), my biggest goal in living here is simple--not to get fat! (I hear there's not much to do in winter but eat...AND drink....) I'm hitting the gym 3 times a week and actually getting my spin instructor certification this Saturday (if I pass the 9-hour workshop, and the written test). I'm also taking vocal lessons so when we put together a new band, I'll wow not only them but my audience.

I'm excited to be here, I really am. I have new goals, new dreams, and a new outlook.  I'm proud of my hubby and my kids, we've had a really rough couple of months but it looks like we're gonna be ok after all.

Wisconsin better get ready for Rebel Girl, cuz I'm here, I'm loud, and I'm a trouble-maker!